I would like my roses to see you"
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
"Hurry up and take pictures of the roses before the wind throws their petals off. They look beautiful right now!" That was what my mother told me this weekend. I thought it was adorable how important it was for her that I photograph them. The pictures I include are not those I took recently (haven’t finished the roll, plus I’m sure you'll notice the date) but I had so many from past years that I wanted to share. I tried removing the date but I couldn't figure it out and my patience and time ran out. I like to think that the date is the d.o.l (date of life) of the flowers..hehe! Anyhow, this proves how devoted I have been in photographing my Mom's flowers for many years.
Mami, you're just as beautiful as the flowers.

"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime."
Swedish Proverb

"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."
Veronica A. Shoffstall

"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart."

"To know someone with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed...
that can make this life a garden..."

"There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling."
Mirabel Osler
that is such a beautiful post, Lo! I absoulutely love roses and my compliments to your mama for such beautiful roses! You have put some beautiful quotes there too. these dainty creatures have such short-lives and yet in that short span, they make such beauty and so many ppl smile! the scent of roses in a room is so warm and sensual too and Mama's smiles are as beautiful as them roses.
my favourite is the quote by goethe.
Beautiful photos and I love all of the quotes you found to go with them.
"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."
Veronica A. Shoffstall
My favorite!!! How awesome is that??? Your mother's garden is beautiful, and I like the part added about her as well:)
BTW, I seem to like the same songs you do off of JM's Heavier Things album. Thanks.
I'm inspired! I should take some photos of the roses my mom gave my for my rose garden. Lovely pictures!
what a wonderful way to intersperse pictures with words. they make one beautiful whole, lorena! and btw, i suck at growing flowers. so i just stare.
thats an amazing rose collection! looks like ur mom keeps a very good garden!
y'know. it's funny. i never liked smelling roses. but i love looking at them.ÜÜÜ
weee! roses! i wish i could have some of them in my place but well i just don't have any backyard or garden to plant them. just a thought do you think it will grow on a pot inside an enclose flat?
these photos are soo beautiful they left a fragrant scent in my memory! and the swedish proverb i found so fitting. off to pick up roses now ;)
Beautiful roses and beautiful quotes. I can almost smell them. Thanks for sharing these.
How beautiful and inspiring! The fourth photo down is really exceptional.
thanks you all for your wonderful comments!
gulnaz :: thanks! i will pass the compliments along to my mom since she is more responsible for them. roses cheers up a room & the spirit.
mermaid :: glad you liked the cd! did you get to listen to damien's?
zulema :: happy it was inspiring. look forward to seeing your photographs.
transience :: "so i just stare." that's what i do, well also photograph.
thanks .:A:., rain and SK8RN !!!
amie :: i'm no expert but i'm thinking flowers could as long as they get sunshine and water of course :)
stella :: i like that "left a fragrant scent in my memory" nice thought.
Aashish, Gangadhar :: thanks for visiting and for the compliments :)
DeeM and Pezgirl :: you both liked the 4th. it's funny, i almost left that one out, glad i didn't!
Not yet. My cousin has it, and I see her at my friend's wedding...
cool, well good luck with your singing at the wedding. i'm sure you'll shine :)
guesss, roses always bring the best romantic inside u!
i could see that :)
yes roses and poetry and people that i connect with.
thanks for visiting :)
ooooh ...wonderfull flowerpics
I love to work in my garden. I will post some pictures of it soon as the flowers begin to grow.
Here is a quote for you:
"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul."
Alfred Austin
that previous post was from me, and by the way, your roses are gorgeous!
thanks flicker_picblog :)
hi neel, so you garden...i can't take credit for these beautiful flowers because my mom's responsible for them but i definitely will be more interested in helping her out now.
thanks for the quote, it's a great one..."feed the soul" i would like to experience that with gardening.
look forward to seeing your photographs :)
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