Voz de la guitarra mía,
al despertar la mañana,
quiero cantar la alegría
de mi tierra mexicana.

Yo le canto a sus volcanes,
a sus praderas y flores,
que son como talismanes
del amor de mi amores.

México lindo y querido,
si muero lejos de ti,
que digan que estoy dormido
y que me traigan aquí.

Que digan que estoy dormido
y que me traigan aquí,
México lindo y querido,
si muero lejos de ti.

Que me entierren en la sierra,
al pie de los magueyales
y que me cubra la tierra,
que es cuna de hombre cabales.

Voz de la guitarra mía,
al despertar la mañana,
quiero cantar la alegría
de mi tierra mexicana.

"The most important part of vehicle maintenance is clean windows
- so if you are broken down, you can still enjoy the beauty of the view.”
Dan Eldon, 1970-1993
Artist and Photojournalist
Road trip! Awesome pictures. I so would love to go there. i love the photos of the clouds and the dark landscape. this would make a great series in an exhibit. I love it!
I like the pix, wish they were in color, I bet they'd look brighter! :D
Lorena, these pictures are amazing.
deem :: thanks. i love the clouds as well!
jacob :: i know, i couldn't leave any out! i just realized i missed one too. thanks.
irina :: yes, i forgot to mention that is a song but you must have recognized it. i would like to read that poem of Romania.
mucha alegria, si :)
blue :: yeah, i did take some in color but l like my b&w :) thanks!
thanks brooke :)
Very very nice...what kind of camera do you use?
If I was not a bit under the weather, I would be toasting with some Tequila right about now.
Y que digan que estoy dormido, iñor!
i love this batch of photos...it's like some clips from an old movie. i didn't understand the words but i assume it was all about mexico. :)
all taken from inside the car??
Wonderful set of photos of your ride Senorita ! Enjoyed them.
Lorena hermosa: You have urged me to open my own blogg (thing I am considering, when I have time enough and real things to share). But now, Señorita Lorena, I URGE YOU to exhibit, I URGE YOU to publish. You know, it would be criminal to deprive the world of the intenso drama celeste, you can comunicate with the force of the greek sourceres who killed her own children to culminate a vengance. Really, you are a great artists, and the world is hungry for sensibility like yours...
Te admiro, poeta de verbos de luz...
Take care and God bless you...
P.S. Now, with the "mexico%2060.jpg" my desktop dilema have more capability to tear me in three pieces. Why are you doing me this? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? :0)
P.S. de la P.S. "México lindo y querido" es preciosa. Fue muy acertado ponerla, porque está detrás de la piel de las imágenes... ¡Viva México, chirrión! ¿Eso no te da ganas de darte unos tequilazos? :0)
lovely pictures. i wanna go on a road trip to mexico now. the landscapes are always so inspiring.
"Que digan que estoy dormido
y que me traigan aquí,
México lindo y querido,
si muero lejos de ti."
those words took on a special meaning after my grandfather passed. its also something my dad has drilled me on. if ever (god forbid) and he's not there i better get him there.
These shots do look like they are scenes from a movie!! A beautiful film with subtitles...
Wonderful, Wonderful pictures I love the quote too. You must be able to send them to a magazine or something- coupled with its background story it would make a great article
It is wonderful to have pride in your country and heratige. There is a great feeling of belonging when you care for your culture. It reminds me of the Puerto Rican day parade, where we chant.
¡Que bonita bandera
que bonita bandera
que bonita bandera
es la bandera puertorriqueña!
Here's to everones love of there land!
Well, since we are sharing songs of love to our country, there is one that wrote the Puerto Rican poet and singer Antonio Cabán Vale (El Topo), named "Verde Luz" ("Green Light") which in Puerto Rico we say it is the secondth national anthem. It goes like this:
Verde luz, de monte y mar
(Green light, of mountain and sea)
Isla virgen del coral
(Virgin island of the coral)
Si me ausento de tus playas brumorosas
(If I get absent of your misty beaches)
Si me alejo de tus palmas silenciosas
(If I get far from your silent palms)
Quiero volver, quiero volver
(I want to be back, I want to be back)
A sentir la tibia arena
(To feel the warm sand)
A dormirme en tus riberas
(To get asleep in your shores)
Isla mía, flor cautiva
(Island of mine, captive flower)
Para ti quiero tener
(For you I want to have)
Libre tu cielo, sola tu estrella
(Free your sky, alone your star)
Isla doncella, quiero tener
(Maiden island, I want to have)
Verde luz, de monte y mar
(Green light, of mountain and sea)
It is a song about exile and independence, but it is so treasured by Puerto Ricans of all ideologies (pro-statehood, pro-commonwealth -the present status- and pro-independence)that, couple of drinks provided, everybody sing it with teary eyes and a the top of the lungs... :0)
Hope you enjoyed it...
Take care and God bless you...
stacy :: thanks :) my camera is a Nikon N55.
mystique :: thanks :) start planning so time doesn't run out!
blex :: my mom can yell 'Ajúa!' so great!! i'll drink a shot for you.
hope you feel better :) and thanks for taking part in the singing!!
amie :: yes it's a very popular song about mexico. i never thought of it as a movie but that sounds cool, thanks :)
karthik :: no! i did get off the car for some but it's all within my travels :)
gangadhar :: thank you.
bablu :: glad you did :) thanks!
avik :: thanks :) will make change to url, thanks.
the scientist :: wow, you always amaze me with your words. i look forward to visiting your blog (hurry). thanks for the encouragement :) btw, you actually picked out my favorite scenic photograph, that's crazy!! go for it -->the tequila shot :)
p.s. thanks for sharing the song. i never heard it. i'm sure my friend would know it.
it's beautiful.
cracked chancla :: thanks & yes it is. that is one of the perks of being a passenger, you get to look out and take in the beauty & dream. thanks for sharing your story behind the song :)
corinna :: thanks girl :) !! that really means a lot.
irina :: i'm having trouble with the links??!!
stella :: thanks. oh, now i'm trying to imagine a story in them too. cool idea :)
sue :: thanks. how cool that would be! :)
potted-flower :: thank you :) i did make some stops and i wish i would have gotten some blurs because that would have been interesting. still a lot were taken while cruising & with a fast shutter speed.
i love the goat one myself. he looks like he's posing for me and doing a good job because he looks like a natural :) ha ha!!
gq1nyc :: you're puertorican? thanks for adding this. lets have pride in all cultures :)
I put the "Mexican picture" in my desktop... IT RULES!!!!! Thak you...
Take care and God bless you...
Like the analogy of broken down car with broken down spirit, but still enjoying the view, enjoying small pleasures in life. (OK, it's my interpretation.)
This reminds me of a poem called "Rearview Mirror" I had written in college, in reference to this guy I liked. No matter how hard I tried, I knew he would always be a flash of scenery that I would eye in my rearview mirror as I sped my way through college.
Beautiful landscape.
Thanks for returning to Light Within after such a long time. BTW, you can play with the image in Photo Shop because I have forgotton where did I find that.
You have a wonderful set of photos here.
oh. my. god. black and white shots of mexico. i love these, lorena!
Excellent Photography ! Thanks for sharing !
Good Day
I think the pics look really great and artistic in the B&W. Even though I cannot understand every word. I am able to decipher what you are saying. A beautiful tribute to the land that you love.:)
lovely black and white!! y lindos versos también!!
Wow!!!! I loved these pics. I guess alot has happened ever since I was away on vacation. Excellent job!!!!!!
I can never get good shots from inside the car. How did you do that?
the scientist :: so Mexico won, that's great!! :) you were able to save it in large format i hope. (by clicking on image first and then saving it)
i'm happy :)
mermaid :: i like that thought and i think all this beauty really brought a little life to my broken spirit. thanks for sharing that :)
i so would love to read this poem!!! pretty please. you can share it anyway you'd like and at anytime. (email or here)
thanks :)
virumandi :: my favorite is #7 down. (lucky seven & just a coincidence). i like your view on the stream flowing. very nice. i'll see how well you do with the translation :)
shirazi :: i was happy too. i'm behind on visiting. so many blogs to visit. the image saves small but i tried. thanks for visitng :)
thanks transience!! :)
het waghela :: i'm glad you will visit again, thanks :)
வீ. எம் :: thank you, i'm glad you dropped by.
marel lecone :: thanks. i'm sure these would look great in color as well but b&w is amazing.
elkenarra :: gracias!! :)
irina :: i just did and it will not go to website. i tried just going to the website and the page could not be displayed! i'll keep trying. thanks :)
tazeen :: glad to see you're back. hope you had a great vacation. look forward to visiting. thanks :)
falconmyst :: thank you!!
joyce :: all of the shots are not from the car but those that i did i guess the fast shutter speed helped.
Yes I am 100% NuYorican*
*Born in NY but both parents are from PR.
Wow, Irina, that is a very sweet and melancholic song... Thank you very much... It is very touchin, one can almost feel the breeze throght the leaves in that line that serves as frontier between a forest and a plain, and the sheperd sitting sad awating for his murder while plaing the melody of the same song in the flute...
Take care and God bless you...
GQ1nyc :: nice to meet another latino :)
irina :: thanks for sharing the lyrics, they are beautiful :) what a nice story it tells. i'm glad you included it here in both languages. i don't know why the links aren't working!
jenn see :: i'm glad you understood :)
well said Hector! :)
making my way over there :) can't wait to read....!
hi irina, yes i see the similarities and i'm glad you shared it :) thanks.
see Hector, 2 people cheering you on, come on!!! :)
Geeee... Girls... My face is so blushed right now, my head could explode at any moment. If no one has to clean pieces of brain from my monitor (I am at my work station, and I almost deserve to loose my job for the thosand times that I have come here in the day to stare at the pictures -I've become a photojunkie!), sometime soon will appear my blogg. Obviously will not be a fraction of beautiful of this one, but hope to do something decent with words...
A thousand million kisses for both of you... :0)
Take care and God bless you...
Your friend,
Primero, tus fotos estan de gran belleza, pero escribes muy bien tambien. My Spanish is a bit rough.
Another lovely post!
What part of Mexico did you visit? I like the Jorge Negrete version of Mexico Lindo by the way.
excellent! have been quickly scrolling up and down these pictures making it into a video for me with depeche mode playing in my head alongwith.
loved it! :)
Foto exhibit please! Looking at your pix gives me such nostalgia for home. Sigh, anyway what part of Chihuahua is your family from? My dad's family is from a small Puelo named Julimes six-hours away from the city of Chihuahua.
These are gorgeous..and as usual, makes me yearn to get off this seat & go down those roads..
Till then, thank you, for a bit of armchair travel..
I love the black and whites - such excellent pictures. I trust you had an excellent time.
I can actually hear the Mariachi's singing Mexico Lindo - my heart swells.
Porfiro Diaz, a President of Mexico said this of Mexico whose fate it was to be a neighbor to the United States.
"Pobrecito Mexico, Que lejos de Dios pero que cerca de Estados Unidos"
Poor Mexico, so far froom God, so close to the United States.
Voz de la guitarra mía
al despertar la mañana
quiero cantar la alegría
de mi tierra mexicana
To me this sounds like
When waking up in the morning
I blend with the voice of my guitar
I want to sing with joy
On my Mexican earth
I LOVE the 1st pic looking out the front windshield....Gorgeous! they're all beautiful. You have such an amazing blog.
Great Pics!
Rock on!
Each photograph is a story. Wonderful series.
Awesome road trip!
Wonderful. I really enjoyed this like the others. You have to tell me how you got the photos into your blogg?
My knowledge of Mexico is limited to just some occasional movies. But this series of shots captured it well. I am still wondering whether the B&W was just for aesthetics or whether it has any subtle meaning to them.
What is nest. Waiting. . .
I love the Big Sky in some of those pics, Lorena. The limitlessness, the space, the feeling of getting lost in those clouds. *sigh* Beatiful!!!
the scientist :: good, we look forward to your blog :)
neel :: thanks for the spanish :)
pezgirl :: thank you.
gustavo :: chihuahua, chihuahua/parral/baeza/la magdalena is my mom's hometown.
gulnaz :: oh, that's cool!! :) a video. i'm going to try that!
JL :: thanks for dropping by. i would say i'm a pretty cool travel partner, definitely! i'm good with maps, sorta or at most talking so that the driver doesn't fall assleep. anything helps :) thanks for the kind words and for sharing your lyrics.
irina :: yeah, it's nice how you put it too, "three cultures in dialogue" :)
mariposatomica :: ok. meanwhile my blog is a webexhibit. thanks :) bueno, my family is from a small pueblo "La Magdalena" which is in the town Baeza. Does that sound familiar?
itineranting :: thanks :) i'm glad you visited and left a comment!
the voice :: i did have a great time. thanks. thanks for sharing the quote as well. :)
iamnasra :: you basically translated,very good!! :)
mitzee :: thanks for always visiting and being so sweet!!
rex venom :: thanks :)
patry francis :: i should look closely to find them. thank you :)
A :: thanks, it was.
pecos blue :: thanks :) i use hello although now blogger allows adding photographs with them. it's not the easiest when you are posting more than one but its ok. visit --> http://www.hello.com/how_bloggerbot_works.php
baejaar :: i just love taking photographs in b&w. i also shot some in color.
thanks for visiting :)
shirazi :: ok. soon.
het waghela :: cool!
jaxe :: yes, i love the clouds as well. maybe because i like getting lost in them. nicely put jaxe. glad you visited this blog as well :)
Great photos! Thanks for sharing.
amazing shots, L. I haven't been hanging around your blog for that long, so I haven't seen this side of your photography. these are extremely nicely composed. the documentary feel to them is excellent. the goat shot in particular.
and what was that you were saying on my blog about how I seem to travel all over? I've been reading your blog for a month now and you've been to Italy and Mexico already...
thanks anonymous poet!!
monkeyO :: i take that as a big compliment coming from you since i admire your talent in photography :)
so far i haven't gone to any new place this year. i'm revisiting my trips from last year here.
wow, i love your photos..brings back memories of our family trips to see the grandparents in Mexico...the am radio playing corridos and the stark beautiful terrian...
thanks! i guess some of us share similar stories. it's amazing & it's what unites us. :)
thank you marcus :) very nice description, i appreciate it.
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